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Elävä maalaus

Elävä maalaus (eng. Living painting) on the one hand, reproduces the process of creating a painting, on the other hand, it tries to resolve the objectifying gaze on the female body. In this choreographic performance the creators of the painting, the female bodies, are also parts of the painting. They produce pictures, move them and disassemble them.

Choreographer: Lin Martikainen

Dancers: Mia Jaatinen, Viivi Niiniketo, Sini Siipola

Costume and spatial design: Amita Kilumanga

Sound designer, composer and live-musician: Jyri Pirinen

Lighting designer: Anton Verho 

Production: Lin Martikainen

Support: City of Helsinki and Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike)

Premier in Vapaan Taiteen Tila / Space for Free Arts on 28.10.2017

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