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I am also Pilates, Spiral stabilization and Yin yoga instructor. During spring and autumn seasons I'm offering weekly Pilates and Yin yoga classes through the Kerava Adult Education Center and the Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki. From time to time I'm also teaching shorter courses and online classes. You can find more information about my:

  • Wednesday and online Pilates classes at the Kerava Adult Education Center here.


I have also shared my work around corporeality and exchange between different art disciplines in dance and art education contexts like in the University of Arts (Open University and Theater Academy) as well as in professional field through dance classes, courses and intensives e.g. in Tanssivintti.

If you have any questions or you are interested in private classes, presentations of work or collaborations, please contact me via email linda_martikainen ( a ) hotmail ( dot ) com OR send a message via contact-page.

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