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Jäljellä olevaa

Jäljellä olevaa is a performance that combines the practices of contemporary dance, choreography, sound and costume art in gallery context. The working group worked with the gallery space of Stoa during February 2022, formulating the upcoming performance in interaction with the surroundings. However due to the covid-19 restrictions, the performance had to be postponed until the year 2024.


An important way of working for the working group is a process-oriented approach, in which corporeality has been essential means for dialogue and creating content. The values of working and the framework for thinking are ecology and being with unreadiness.


Jäljellä olevaa is part of long-term artistic project called Emitting Things. The convener and initiator of the project choreographer Lin Da is constantly looking for ways how art could serve as a place for encounters between humans and other beings. They are also interested in experimenting with the forms of art presentation in order to create new meeting points between the social and somatic ways of being.

Choreographer & director: Lin Da

Performers: Taru Aho, Geoffrey Erista, Amita Kilumanga & Jyri Pirinen

Costume designer: Amita Kilumanga

Music: Jyri Pirinen
Production: Lin Da, Live Art Society & Stoa
Support: Jenny & Antti Wihuri's Foundation, Niilo Helander Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Live Art Society & Stoa


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